Makenna Shurelds

Journey with me as God immerses me in all that He has appointed me for within Ministry!

MY StoryMake a Donation
my story


When God’s hand came upon my life at the age of 14, I couldn’t help but to be radically transformed. I grew up in Ohio, raised in an extremely broken and abusive household. My way of coping was to simply become numb to everything that happened to me and around me. It was no surprise that when I first heard about Christ through one of my dearest friends, I immediately rejected the idea because what my brokenness heard was “religion and perfection,” and what my brokenness felt was “Kenna you are not worth it, pain and trauma are your portion.”  It wasn’t until I attended this conference with that said friend, where I grasped the truth of what life with Christ actually entailed. God made HIMSELF real through a relational encounter, not religion, but relationship. My brokeness and my hard heart didn’t deter Him from me, but it drew Him to me. 


Life with Jesus, for the last 10 years, has been a journey of constant renewal. Where life used to be rooted in surviving, with Christ it is now secure in thriving. My security, identity, and joy are not dependent on anything that this world could ever offer, therefore this world cannot take it away anymore. God has healed and brought infinite life to my heart, mind and soul. With that revelation, He has set my heart ablaze to bring that same LIVING hope and RESURRECTION power to the souls here in San Diego and throughout the nations. 


This specific vision to be the hands and feet of Jesus was ignited even more around the time I did my DTS (Discipleship Training School) in Cambridge, England, where I was immersed in community, fellowship, intercession, prayer, worship and various kinds of intentional serving within the span of 6 entire months that truly drew me closer to God’s purpose for my life. Now I have the enriching opportunity to staff YWAM Endless Summer’s base here in San Diego, California. My heart in ALL of this is to be a vessel for God’s will and love to come and have its way in every person’s heart here on earth as it is in heaven.


What funded looks like..

Your support towards YWAM Endless Summer allows me to fully invest my time and energy into being a full-time missionary and participating in making His name known. Your support will go towards my living expenses, rent, groceries, traveling costs, gas, and ministry expenses!

What I will be doing

My Mission

What staffing YWAM Endless Summer looks like is an abundance of serving in countless ways here in the US, but also throughout the nations. God has marked this base with an undeniable gift in bringing those alike and those different – whether that be through languages, lifestyles, cultural differences – together to be able to minister to the wounded and broken hearted, alongside being good stewards towards those already on their faith walk through discipleship! My specific role in that will be leading our worship ministry, organizing and being a part of youth ministries, cultivating relationships to be able to expand our reach as a ministry, developing efficient ways to continue educating and teaching those we encounter about the freedom and salvation only found in Christ.


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About giving

I’d love nothing more than to invite you to partner with me in pursuing God’s call on my life. I encourage you to seek God’s heart about supporting me financially and I thank you in the meantime for listening to what God has laid on my heart. My goal is to raise $3,000 to cover all of my ministry expenses. If you feel led to contribute, for a tax-deductible donation, you can donate through the link below! If that is not a concern of yours, you can send your support directly to me via CashApp @$MakennaShurelds or Venmo @Makenna-Shurelds-1